Home Atelier FAQS | Commonly Asked Question
Explore our comprehensive FAQs section where we've compiled answers to the most common questions our visitors ask. From product specifics and shipping details, find a quick, clear, and concise information to enhance your shopping experience.
Save time and get the answers you need about our services, payment methods, and how to make the most out of your purchase.
1.Do you ship nationwide in the Philippines?
Yes , we ship nationwide thru our accredited logistics partner. Please let us know where you are located for us to coordinate your shipment.
2. Do you customize swatches for sofa and armchairs?
Please check out on how to choose different kind of color swatches and fabric on our customization page: SOFA CUSTOMIZATION
3. How do i Order?
a. You may check out the order instructions here.
b. You may contact our sales team to assist you thru the process. You can message us in instagram : @homeatelierph
4. Where is your showroom located?
You may visit us at 658 A Bonifacio Balintawak Quezon City:
Opening Store Hours:
Monday to Saturday: 10am to 6pm
Sunday: 1pm to 6pm
5. Do you customize Dining tables and Console Table?
Yes you may choose the size, shape, and length of the customized table that you want to purchase.